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Urn Selection Information: Plan Ahead


  • Determine the size of the urn. You can consult a funeral home or crematorium to get a better estimate. Usually, created remains weigh 3-7 pounds and require about 180-220 cubic inches capacity.

    Moreover, in case you have decided to place the cremains in a niche within a cemetery columbarium, check with the authorities there about the type and size of urns they allow in the niches.

  • Select an appropriate urn depending on your decision regarding the final disposition of the ashes. For instance, if you are planning to display the urn at your home itself, look for attractive yet thoughtful funeral urns.

    For instance, you can go for a nature-themed urn for a loved one who admired scenic beauty. Besides, you may select a religious, veteran, hobby, sports, infant (for holding the ashes of a child), or companion urn (for storing the cremains of a couple).

  • Families often choose to keep a portion of the ashes after scattering the remains. So, you may buy a small keepsake or token urn to hold the remaining ashes.

  • Take the quality into consideration and pick a material of your choice. Cremation urns are mostly made of wood (the favorite), ceramic, granite, copper, bronze, brass, glass, porcelain, marble, etc.

    Thus, choose a material that suits you best. Wooden urns, for example, are not likely to be durable when displayed in an outdoor setting. Similarly, brass urns are not usually recommended for burial.

  • You can buy an interesting water-soluble and biodegradable urn if you are planning to float the cremation ashes in water.

    Cremation urns prepared from sustainable materials are also preferred when opting for internment of the cremation remains as these urns decompose over time and hence, prove to be environment-friendly.

  • In case you need to carry the urn in a flight, it is better to get a non scan-able urn prepared from plastic, cloth, cardboard, or transparent glass.

    These materials are light-weight and can be X-rays easily. Thus, unlike ceramic, metal or stone, they are likely to pass through the security checkpoints without any trouble.

    You can store the cremated remains in a temporary airline safe urn and then transfer the ashes to another urn for final disposition. Make sure you call up your airline in advance to check their requirements about traveling with cremains.

  • As cremation urns are available in a number of shapes and styles, their prices also vary tremendously. Keep in mind unlike a casket that is buried in the ground never to be seen again, the urn you purchase you will see everyday for the rest of your life.  This urn is also a tribute and memorial to one of the most important people in your life.  That being said it is good not to skimp on the price, In the long run you will be thankful that you didn't.

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